Florida’s Workers' Comp Law Is Disrupting Medical Debt Collection - What Hospitals, Medical Providers and Debt Collectors Need To Know

Assessing Risks and Methods To Address Them

The State of Florida, like many states, maintains a robust workers’ compensation statute geared toward insulating employees injured on the job from associated medical services. Now, lawsuits continue to be filed against debt collectors, hospitals and other medical providers alleging that under a novel interpretation of Florida’s workers' compensation law, it is unlawful to attempt to collect medical debt arising from work-related injuries directly from consumers.

This one-hour presentation explores:

  • What is driving this new litigation?
  • Why debt collectors, hospitals and other medical providers are facing claims
  • Current decisions and a look at the case before the Florida Supreme Court
  • Assessing and mitigating risk

Attendees can receive one RMAI continuing education credit.

NOTE: This webinar has no dial-in number and the broadcast can only be heard over your PC's speaker or with headphones.

Presented by


Shannon Miller and Christopher Hahn | Principals | Maurice Wutscher LLP